Focusing On Nutrition During COVID-19

What a time to be alive.

To say that life for everyone right now is unique may not do what the world as a whole is going through justice. COVID-19, the novel coronavirus that has taken the world by storm, has many people at home and quarantined for a myriad of reasons.

Being home all the time also means boredom, stress, anxiety, and possibly depression that - you guessed it - has us reaching for all things food.

That’s why our team wanted to whip together a short list of things you can focus on while in quarantine during uncertain times.

1. Focus on what you can control.

One thing is certain about everything that is going on in the world - it’s beyond anyones control.

Not having any control over the things that are happening in our lives can be daunting. We don’t know when we will get to go back to work, what work will look like when we do, whether the grocery store will have toilet paper or not, and if our neighbors hate us for binge watching Tiger King on Netflix. So what do we do when we feel out of control?

Shift our focus to what we can control, which just so happens to be our nutrition (among other things). Make it a point to shop for foods you feel will give you the best chance for success when you can make it to the store. Take time to cook each day, or each week (if you like to meal prep), so that you have healthy options laying around the house. While we may not be able to control how long we are social distancing from one-another, we can control what we eat while we do.

What can you do? Focus on food quality, creating a positive food environment in your home, discovering new recipes, among many other things.

2. Acknowledge hunger vs boredom.

Being stuck at home for hours on end while many of us practice social distancing, also means a whole lot of boredom that comes with it.

When we’re bored, we naturally start to look for things that can help us feel occupied. Guess what one of those things is likely to be? Eating. It’s simple, available, comforting, and gives us this sense of being “busy” when we having nothing better to do. Take all of those things together, and we have a higher chance of eating in excess to fill the time.

If that sounds like you, take a step back next time you reach for that bag of chips and ask yourself - “Am I about the smash these Dorito’s because I’m hungry, or because I’m bored?” Chances are, it’ll be the latter (not always of course). Asking that simple question can help you gauge whether you setting that bag down for later might make the most sense.

What can you do? Grab a glass of water, go for a walk, do an at home workout, or consider reading a book instead of boredom snacking.

3. Stay active.

While we may be somewhat isolated at home, with many gyms around the globe closed temporarily, that doesn’t mean we can’t be active.

Thankfully, hundreds of major fitness brands and locals gyms alike have started putting out virtual training content to get in your fitness at home. We actually compiled a list of some ideas that can be found here, and another list of equipment free workouts you can do at home that you find over here. Take some time to browse online, and you’re sure to find something. There’s also the ever important walk and breath of fresh air.

What can you do? Take a walk, go for a bike ride, do a yoga class on YouTube, try equipment free or bodyweight workouts, and more.

4. Try something new in the kitchen.

I know, I know - telling you to try something new in a time of stress might have you screaming; “This guy on the internet is nuts!”

But what if now is one of the best times to try creating some new recipes that you haven’t before? Grocery stores will continue to be restocked at various rates throughout the world, and even when things seem sparse, there’s generally plenty to find that can make a great meal. Ever thought about trying your hand at homemade sushi? What about homemade Indian food? Who said you couldn’t make a savory breakfast for dinner?

What can you do? Look up new recipes to try, watch a cooking demo online and give it a go at home, or turn your kitchen into a local version of Chopped by making a meal with whatever random ingredient you could find at the grocery store.

5. Get other people involved (especially kids).

Just because we are practicing social distancing, doesn’t mean that we can’t be social with each other.

It may sound silly - but jumping on FaceTime or a Zoom call with the people you are closest to so you can cook together can be a great way to connect. Talk about how each of you are doing, what you are making and why you decided to cook that dish, and genuinely catch up on life. Do you have kids? Excellent! Get them involved in the kitchen with you. Cooking with my mom and dad as a kid is one of my fondest memories, and it’s a great way to keep kids busy while teaching them a useful life skill.

What can you do? Video call friends or family while cooking together, involve your kids or significant other, or host a livestream where people can interact with you while you cook.

Just remember - this is temporary

While things may be stressful right now, and none of us are sure how long it will be this way, these are great things to be mindful of right now or in the future.

Life is ripe with things we can’t control, but our nutrition for the most part happens to be one we can. We can take the time to be more mindful of our surroundings, try new recipes we generally wouldn’t have the time to try, and find new ways to bring a social environment into a socially isolating time. Either way - we know you can do this!

If you need more help, our team of registered dietitians and nutrition coaches are always available through our nutrition coaching program. You can also reach out by contacting us here if you have questions or just want to talk.

This blog was created by Xplore Nutrition founder & nutrition coach - Sam Karoll.