Xplore Nutrition Partners With Quincy Medical Group

When I started Xplore Nutrition almost two years ago, it was always my goal from day one to change the way that people saw nutrition. Not only was the goal to change how people saw it, but just how easy it was to access it. From the tools our team and other coaches needed to provide incredible nutrition coaching, to being a resource for other organizations to rely on as a way to offer a nutrition program themselves, through us. So we focused on three things:

For individuals looking to pursue a healthier lifestyle, whatever their goals may be - we wanted to provide a world class experience by pairing every person who comes to us with the best nutrition coaches and dietitians we could find. Their personal coach will be by their side every step of the way by text, call, video chat, and more - 24/7. Our team focuses on more than just nutrition when we work with someone - manage stress more effectively, sleep better, feel comfortable in social environments, and more.

For coaches, trainers, and other professionals - we created a web app that would allow them to more efficiently work with their own clients, and create their own programs. The more people who have the tools to help people, the better. Having more tools in one place allows the professionals who use our program to work more efficiently, and affectively. Gone were the days of having a spreadsheet here, a weight log there, and sending screenshots of food logs.

For fitness facilities, other companies, and health organizations - we launched our affiliate program that would allow us to work together. Our team of nutrition coaches and registered dietitians, tools, and ideas could be shared with others who shared the same idea we do - to create a healthier society. Not only did we want to provide the opportunity for organizations to partner with us, and for us to partner with them, but we continually strive to operate like a team.

Since the beginning, it was our mission to eventually work with organizations fighting to combat everything from chronic illness to overall health and wellbeing. Which is why our team couldn’t be more excited to announce that we’ve officially partnered with our very first medical organization right where Xplore began in Quincy IL - Quincy Medical Group (QMG). By working together, we are able to help more people, in more ways than ever before.

  • From patients managing chronic diseases, to those preparing for or recovering from surgical procedures, to expecting mothers and those simply striving to make better decisions.

  • For QMG’s employees looking to lose weight (or gain), who want to feel more energized throughout the day and sleep better at night, to those looking to perform at their best in a sport they love, or who simply want to show their kids what being healthy is all about.

  • For Everyone in our vast community, no matter their backgrounds, the goals they hope to achieve, or the struggles they’ve dealt with in the past.

At Xplore, we aren't just a nutrition company - we are a lifestyle company. We don't just want the people who work with us to have success while they are in our program, but for years after we are gone. Our partnership with QMG gives us a chance to provide our community with the best possible tools and programs to live a healthy lifestyle, with support from both Xplore and QMG. We truly can’t wait for our organizations to work together by sharing ideas, ambitions, and strategies for helping our community be the best, and healthiest, it can be.

For more information on how Xplore Nutrition can help you reach your personal health goals, whatever they may be, you can reach out to us by clicking here and one of our amazing team members will reach out to you. You can also email info@xplorenutrition.com anytime.

QMG also offers a host of other programs through their Nutrition Services team including their Medicare Weight Loss Program, Diabetes Self-Management, Medical Nutrition Therapy, Feeding Therapy, Cancer Care, Dialysis, and Cardiac Rehab. For more information call QMG Nutrition Services at (217) 222-6550, ext. 3117.